We support efforts to strengthen the Jewish identity of Israel as a state and to connect individual Jewish Israelis to their heritage. We support efforts to allow multiple religious options in the public and private sphere that reflect the reality of the State of Israel. For example, Israelis should have choices regarding weddings (Chupot) and prayer spaces at the Kotel (including Original Women of the Wall/Tefillat Nashim BaKotel and Women of the Wall/Nshot Hakotel). Every Jew eligible to make Aliyah under the law of return must have a path to marry legally in Israel. We also support alternative paths to conversion outside of the Israeli Rabbinate (Giyur K’halacha in Israel and all Orthodox conversions outside of Israel). We will advocate that the National Institutions of Israel call on the State of Israel to recognize these choices.
We support systemic and legal changes that protect, support and empower women. We seek to expand the spiritual, ritual, religious leadership, intellectual and political opportunities for women. We support finding and implementing a sustainable solution to put an end to the Agunah crisis. We advocate for meaningful participation and equality for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learning and Jewish communal organizations. We also seek to raise awareness of and address the growing trends that exclude women from policy making decisions and public performances, and that erase images of women and girls from advertisements and publications.
We seek a Zionist movement and a State of Israel that is inclusive of people of all sexual orientations and all family structures. LGBTQ+ individuals must be protected from harassment and discrimination, and they have the right to build the families of their choosing, including through surrogacy and adoption.
We believe that Yeshivot and Midrashot in Israel strengthen the soul and spirit of the nation, working with the entire educational system in Israel to train people to function as productive members of society. We particularly support the institution of Yeshivot Hesder and Shiluv, which have given the IDF some of its finest and most dedicated soldiers and officers. We will seek increased funding for Midrashot for women, which often receive less funding than Yeshivot for men.
We seek to strengthen the bonds between Jews in Israel and the Diaspora and to promote initiatives that deepen understanding between the two communities. We encourage and support Aliyah to Israel and support increasing aid to all Jews who want to settle in our national homeland.
We will work to increase support for Zionism and the State of Israel among Jews and non-Jews in both the political realm and civil space. We work to combat anti-Zionism and those who seek to delegitimize the State of Israel and its right to exist, especially on university campuses. Our representatives have served on the Task Force to Combat Anti-Zionism and led the task force in addressing anti-Zionist sentiments on social media, Wikipedia, and on campus.
We are committed to supporting efforts to find a just and viable peace for Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, with security and dignity for all, including the Palestinian people.
We will encourage the National Institutions to support training for providers of pastoral care and the provision of such care to Israeli soldiers, the people of Israel, and the global Jewish community to help address the traumas of the post October 7 world both in Israel and in the Diaspora.
We support efforts to strengthen the Jewish identity of Israel as a state and to connect individual Jewish Israelis to their heritage. We support efforts to allow multiple religious options in the public and private sphere that reflect the reality of the State of Israel. For example, Israelis should have choices regarding weddings (Chupot) and prayer spaces at the Kotel (including Original Women of the Wall/Tefillat Nashim BaKotel and Women of the Wall/Nshot Hakotel). Every Jew eligible to make Aliyah under the law of return must have a path to marry legally in Israel. We also support alternative paths to conversion outside of the Israeli Rabbinate (Giyur K’halacha in Israel and all Orthodox conversions outside of Israel). We will advocate that the National Institutions of Israel call on the State of Israel to recognize these choices.
We support systemic and legal changes that protect, support and empower women. We seek to expand the spiritual, ritual, religious leadership, intellectual and political opportunities for women. We support finding and implementing a sustainable solution to put an end to the Agunah crisis. We advocate for meaningful participation and equality for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learning and Jewish communal organizations. We also seek to raise awareness of and address the growing trends that exclude women from policy making decisions and public performances, and that erase images of women and girls from advertisements and publications.
We seek a Zionist movement and a State of Israel that is inclusive of people of all sexual orientations and all family structures. LGBTQ+ individuals must be protected from harassment and discrimination, and they have the right to build the families of their choosing, including through surrogacy and adoption.
We believe that Yeshivot and Midrashot in Israel strengthen the soul and spirit of the nation, working with the entire educational system in Israel to train people to function as productive members of society. We particularly support the institution of Yeshivot Hesder and Shiluv, which have given the IDF some of its finest and most dedicated soldiers and officers. We will seek increased funding for Midrashot for women, which often receive less funding than Yeshivot for men.
We seek to strengthen the bonds between Jews in Israel and the Diaspora and to promote initiatives that deepen understanding between the two communities. We encourage and support Aliyah to Israel and support increasing aid to all Jews who want to settle in our national homeland.
We will work to increase support for Zionism and the State of Israel among Jews and non-Jews in both the political realm and civil space. We work to combat anti-Zionism and those who seek to delegitimize the State of Israel and its right to exist, especially on university campuses. Our representatives have served on the Task Force to Combat Anti-Zionism and led the task force in addressing anti-Zionist sentiments on social media, Wikipedia, and on campus.
We are committed to supporting efforts to find a just and viable peace for Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, with security and dignity for all, including the Palestinian people.
We will encourage the National Institutions to support training for providers of pastoral care and the provision of such care to Israeli soldiers, the people of Israel, and the global Jewish community to help address the traumas of the post October 7 world both in Israel and in the Diaspora.
In the wake of the horrific attacks on October 7, 2023, the Zionist Movement needs to unify to elect proven bridgebuilders with the ability to work across the entire Zionist ideological spectrum. At the most recent Zionist Congress, Dorshei Torah v’Tzion (DTT) demonstrated that it could play this role to span that divide.
A Path for Legal Marriage for all Israeli Citizens
Opportunities for Women’s Religious Leadership in Israel
Recognition of Conversions of Gi’yur Ki’halakha and of all Orthodox Conversions Outside Israel
Legal Protections from Discrimination for LGTBQ+ Individuals, Including the Right to Have Children through Surrogacy and Adoption
Multiple Respectful Prayer Sections at the Kotel to Accommodate Everyone
Equal Funding for Midrashot for Women
Funding for Programming that Connects Israeli and Diaspora Communities
Additional Aid for New Olim
Increased Funding for Pastoral Care and Training

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Rabbi Avi Weiss
Rabba Sara Hurwitz
Rabbi Dov Linzer
Rabbanit Leah Sarna
Daphne Lazar Price
Esther Sperber
Rabbi Jason Herman
Judah Guggenheim
Rabbi David A. Schwartz
Dr. Mindy Feldman Hecht
Rabbi Yonah S. Berman
Rabbanit Shalhevet Cahana
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz
Rabbi Steven Greenberg
Rabbanit Atara Lindenbaum
Ruthie Yudelson
Miryam Kabakov
Rabbi Barry Dolinger
Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky
Ayelet Lederman
Peninah Taragin Gershman
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
Rabbi Chaim Marder
Ezra Landman-Feigelson
Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe
Gabriel Slamovits
Rabbi Saul Strosberg
Eyden Price
Rabbanit Aliza Sperling
Dr. Susan Hornstein
Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro
Sarina Price
Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Pam Greenwood
Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstat, Esq.
Shalhevet Adler
Behnam Dayanim
Rabbi Hyim Shafner
Susan Fuld
Hadar Adler
Eric Hecht
Richard Langer
Dr. Yedida Eisenstat
Ariel Groveman Weiner
Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower
Rabbi Aaron Braun
Rabbi Ari Hart
Brana Gurewitsch
Jessie Katz
Rabbi Steven Exler
Rabbi Barry Gelman
Michael Schwartz
Rabbi Max Davis
Oneg Kaufman-Grob
Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn
Benjamin Small
Rabbi Nissan Antine
Rabbi Mark Trencher
Wendy Lefko Messeloff
Rebecca Chernoff-Schwartz
Oren Adler
Rabbi Uri Topolosky
Erica Schwartz
Binyamin Novetsky
Elaine Chapnik
Rabbi Philip Louis Kaplan
Rabbi Aaron Finkelstein
Brocha Katz
Bracha Gold Fine
Rabbi Joseph Kanefsky
Ilana Gimpelevich
Victoria Gnip
Yali Szulanski
Karolyn Benger
Sophie Greenbaum
Rabbi Frederick Klein
Daniel Perla
Amanda Goldstein
Eden Gershman
Paul Kujawsky
Robert Sidlow
Dr. Agnes Veta


thank you to our sponsors

Dorshei Torah v’Tzion (DTT) means “Seekers of Torah and Zion.” It is named for a series of lectures given by Rabbi Avi Weiss who heads the slate. DTT stands for a State of Israel and a Zionist movement that is open to and inclusive of all passionate Zionists. We believe our Torah and our Zionism are for every Jew.
Many other Orthodox slates are focused on their own or Orthodoxy’s particular and parochial interests. As such, they often give a perception that Orthodox people don’t value the contributions and participations of others to the Zionist movement.
At times, some of these groups have even taken steps to block the participation of other non-Orthodox groups with whom they disagree. Additionally, many of the Orthodox slates have politically aligned exclusively with right-wing Israeli Knesset parties rather than representing the broad views of all Orthodox Jews.
DTT recognizes that Orthodox Jews span a spectrum of views and works for inclusivity, carving out a unique centrist space as an influential bridge-builder in the Zionist movement.
The Zionist Congress is a global Jewish body that convenes regularly once every five years. It governs the budgets and activities of 3 institutions:
The World Zionist Organization
The Jewish Agency (with Jewish Federations of North America and Keren Hayesod)
Keren Kayement L’Yisrael: Jewish National Fund (KKL).
Collectively, these institutions are known as the National Institutions, and they spend more than $1 billion annually on their good works.
While most institutions and particularly Jewish institutions are controlled by donors and volunteers that the institutions appoint for themselves, the National Institutions are the only Jewish institutions governed democratically by the entire Jewish people. As such, the Zionist Congress has been referred to as the Parliament of the Jewish People. Your vote is important for the following reasons:
1. To make sure your values are represented at these important institutions2. To ensure that our community receives its share of the funding granted by these institutions, which spend more than $1 billion annually.
3. To enable DTT to continue to play its important bridge building role and hence build a stronger and more united Zionist movement.
The $5 primarily covers the cost of running the election in the United States, which includes well over 100,000 voters, and ensures that it is fair and respected.
Between March 10 and May 4, go to www.zionistelection.org and register to vote.
Once you’ve registered you will receive a code that will enable you to vote on that same website.
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Encourage your friends, families and networks to vote for DTT.
Most importantly – remember to vote yourself!